Far Cry 3 is created by Ubisoft Montreal when released at 29 November 2012.This game is first person shooter but not just that its RPG too. Thats mean you can choose your own story. Its very interested than other FPS game !!
In this game
you become tourist name Jason Brody who has power of Tatau.The Tatau is a tattoo
can you get when you level up. Enemies in this game is call Pirates who has red
clothes. In Far Cry 3 you can ride car or speed boat that’s like a GTA, you can
find its in the some place or you can steal from people and when your car is
broke you can repair it. That’s very unique !

Vaas is that
call for leader pirates who will you to kill. Honestly Vaas make story line
more interesting because vaas personality is crazy and cool. Vaas will be
appear many times when you play main mission.
AK47, MP5, RPG7, Vector that’s partially weapon in the Far Cry 3 and that’s up to you what you choose for kill your enemy. Sniper or bow what you like for hunting ? maybe flamethrower for burn plant and grass ? that’s you can get in this game and not miss you can upgrade your weapon/ That’s very cool yeah !
Download Link :http://kat.ph/far-cry-3-kaos-t6890940.html
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